Progress test 2 unit 3-4 ответы

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Unit 6 Pattern I. A pattern may also be described in terms of its scale. Rewrite the following sentences using the conjunctions given in parentheses. French-inspired toile is an example of a figural pattern that depicts a pastoral scene of people, animals, or plants. What is he good at? Be sure to learn an appropriate verbal greeting to accompany the bow. Another reason is then humans cut down the trees in the forests where they live. Geometric patterns common to surface materials, such as fabric and carpet, for example, include stripes, a series of horizontal or straight lines; checks, a series of repeated squares; checkerboard, a series of attached squares and rectangles; or plaids, a less regular arrangement of boxes and rectangles. A a knife B a fork C a spoon.......... There are more words than you need. What do you hate doing? He kept saying I had two choices: either go home, or stay in his room all day.

Progress test 2 unit 3-4 ответы Monday do shopping Tuesday correct tests Wednesday buy a new shirt Thursday go to the swimming pool Friday visit Helen Saturday have a party Sunday watch a football match on TV VARIANT 2 Exercise 1. How did you spend your free time? Section 4 What Do You Know About School Life In English- speaking Countries? Вы не знали, что у вас будет английский? What do the do? Какую бы вы порекомендовали прочесть вашему иностранному другу, чтобы побольше узнать о русской литературе? Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous. How were all the Russian artists of his time influenced by Surikov? Tabloids contain sensational stories. I go and see Venice as soon as I reach Italy.

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